Erap’s Wehrmacht

carcrashErap’s political machine to run anew? Do we really want him on the driver’s seat again? The last time he was driving, we crashed into a revolution and was hi-jacked by somebody worse! We don’t need another drunk driver on the wheel! Shady midnight meetings & Mafia type deals…are stuff from the 50-60’s…let’s leave it back in the trunk. If he ever wins in the coming election then I guess that it’s better to run this squeaky bus of a country down the cliff and wreck it totally. When will we ever learn?


  1. You are correct! I’m with you on this.

  2. Pepe Cabrera,
    X – SPOT



  5. I refuse to take such a ride!

    However, if there’s no other choice, I would rather jump right off than to be part of another accident waiting to happen. For decades, he and many others before him (not to mention the one currently taking the wheel) have been milking on every opportunity they could come across and were even acting like blood-sucking leeches, just to reap their own benefits while weakening this country further. Everybody should realize that we’ve been victims long enough, we’ve seen enough, we’ve been through enough. It’s now time to put a stop to it… while there’s still a chance.

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